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Pramukh Swami Maharaj's Saintliness (Part 5)

Param Shanti

Middle of the Night Prayers

Gujarat was again facing a devastating famine. Swamishri had commenced large-scale relief work and cattle camps to cater for the affected people and cattle. The cattle camps operated for a year. During this time, in 1990, Swamishri visited England for some necessary mandir work.

One night, at about 2:30 a.m., Swamishri's attendant sadhu suddenly woke up. In the dim night, he could see Swamishri sitting up on his bed. A closer look revealed that Swamishri had folded his hands and closed his eyes in prayer. For half-an-hour, the attendant sadhu observed Swamishri. When Swamishri's eyes opened, the sadhu asked, "What were you praying for?"

Swamishri replied, "There is a severe drought in India and people are struggling without water. I was praying for the rains so that all people and animals have enough water."

The sadhu enquired further, "How often have you prayed for this?" But Swamishri remained si­lent. The attendant politely and repeatedly asked the question. Eventually, Swamishri revealed, "Many times I pray at night. During the day many people present their questions and problems to me, so I pray for them."

The attendant sadhu was deeply touched by Swamishri's night-time prayers for others.

The above photo was captured by Yogicharan Swami without Swamishri's knowledge as he sat in prayer in the middle of the night.

Pillar of Moral and Spiritual Obedience

In 2000, the United Nations had for the first time gathered 1,800 spiritual leaders from 54 countries for the Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and Spiritual Leaders. Of these, only 53 spiritual leaders had been selected to address the Summit. And Swamishri had been invited to bless the inaugural session in the main UN assembly hall.

However, Swamishri firmly follows the vows of male-female discipline for sadhus established by Bhagwan Swaminarayan wherever he goes. He does not compromise on this foundational niyam ordained by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. So, only when the organizers had assured that appropri­ate arrangements would be made did Swamishri agree to address the UN Summit.

On his arrival, Swamishri was respectfully received by the organizers. Before entering the main assembly hall, he enquired to ensure that the arrangements were in accordance with the vows given by Bhagwan Swaminirayan. Only then did he take his seat. Swamishri's blessings were in Gujarati, which were instantly trans­lated into English, French, Russian, German, Chinese and Spanish for the benefit of everyone. The audience was attentive and appreciated Swamishri's unique formula for world peace. They applauded Swamishri till he returned to his seat. Swamishri's purity touched UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, CNN Chairman Ted Turner and the spiritual leaders. Some of the Hindu spiritual leaders proclaimed, "You have upheld the nobility and honor of Hindu Dharma."

Despite such great acclaim from others, Swamishri's only satisfaction was in being able to obey the vows of a sadhu as instructed by Bhagwan Swaminarayan.

Someone asked, "What if arrangements had not been made to uphold the vows?"

Swamishri swiftly replied, "We would not have attended."

For Swamishri, preserving the injunctions of Bhagwan Swaminarayan are more important than being honored by the UN. That is why he has remained a life-long pillar of moral and spiritual obedience.

Joy in Guru Bhakti

On 8 November 2000, the auspicious shilan­yas ceremony for the grand Swaminarayan Akshardham complex on the banks of River Yamuna in India's capital, New Delhi, was arranged.

At 11:05 a.m., at the appointed auspicious time, Swamishri placed the nidhi kumbh in the foundations, amid joyous Vedic chants. At 80 years, Swamishri was so overjoyed that he risked losing balance as he ignored his own health limi­tations and bent low to assist the volunteers in lifting and placing the heavy kurma shila.

Swamishri's jubilant demeanor was obvious to all. As he gazed unblinkingly at Thakorji, his satisfaction was clearly visible.

Highlighting this, Mahant Swami noted in his speech, "Today, everyone seated here is happy and so is Swamishri. But there is a difference between the two. Swamishri's joy is derived from his guru bhakti. He is happy that this will lead to the ful­filment of guru Yogiji Maharaj's wish. Swamishri does not believe that he is doing this work, but his guru is doing everything. Swamishri is merely the instrument through whom God is working."

In conclusion, Swamishri blessed, "Whoever comes here will attain liberation." Hearing these words, everyone was convinced that only one who desires the liberation of all is a suitable me­dium through whom God can remain forever; and only he can accomplish such great works.

Motherly Love to Children

The assembly hall at the BAPS Mandir in Dadar, Mumbai, was packed to capacity. The balaks were about to present their Parents' Day program on the performing stage. Earlier, the sanchalaks had requested Swamishri to take his seat at 6:30 p.m. He had agreed to do so. The young balaks had prepared thoroughly and were eagerly looking forward to performing be­fore Swamishri. However, an urgent unscheduled meeting had to be held, preventing Swamishri from attending on time. The balaks yearned for Swamishri's presence. And, how could mellow-hearted Swamishri refuse the loving invitation of the balaks. So, he curtailed the meeting and quickly arrived in the assembly.

The children were being treated to a magic show, but they were more interested in Swamishri. On seeing him, the children exploded with de­light. They presented their well-rehearsed drama, and dances, and engaged directly with Swamishri in a momentous dialogue.

Finally, a balak named Kunal embraced Swamishri on stage and said, "Thank you Bapa! You came!" Everyone was spellbound by this in­credible sight. Tears of joy rolled from their eyes. Swamishri's eyes, too, were moist with delight.

* * *

Often the question arises: what is it about Swamishri that young children are drawn to him like metals to magnet? On seeing Swamishri, the balaks erupt with joy.

Thousands of children of the BAPS Children's Wing worldwide have experienced Swamishri's selfless love. Swamishri's heart is forever open to them all.

For decades, Swamishri's routine was such that during his meals, he would sometimes engage in discussions with children and youths. They would receive inspiration and guidance. Seeing the freestyle interaction between Swamishri and the children convinces one that he holds no bar­riers or distinctions. There is no generation gap, for they all experience his genuine, selfless moth­erly love.

Gujarati text translation by Sadhu Vivekjivandas and Sadhu Amrutvijaydas
Swaminarayan Bliss | Nov / Dec 2015


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